It is crucial to find a safe and secure way to transport your gun. With a plethora of gun cases available in the market, it can be challenging to select the best one. This article aims to guide you on how to choose the most suitable gun case by providing relevant information and tips.


Consider how you will travel

Consider the most common modes of transportation used when carrying a gun. On foot or on an ATV? In a truck or on a plane? This consideration will help determine whether you need to look for hard or soft cases.


Choosing between a hard gun case and a soft gun case is not a question of one being better than the other. Both are good options, but it depends on how and where you use your case. On the other hand, if you are primarily using the case for local travel, such as from home to a shooting range or into the field, a hard case will be unnecessarily bulky, while a soft-sided gun case will be more practical. Are you planning on traveling long distances into the wilderness with your gun? Look for a well-made, easy-to-carry gun case with sturdy carry handles and adjustable shoulder straps that provide good cushioning for the shoulders.


Learn about size and capacity

To ensure that you choose the correct case size for your gun, it's recommended that you select a case that is a few inches longer than your gun. If you have any accessories such as special grips or sights that you don't want to disassemble or purchase a separate case for, it's important to check if the chosen case is large enough to accommodate them. Additionally, you should consider the amount of space you'll need for any extra gear and ammunition. For soft-sided gun cases, it's recommended to choose one that has easy-access pockets on the outside.


Learn about durability

When selecting a gun case, it's important to choose one that meets your specific needs. A high-quality gun case should provide enough padding to absorb shock and keep the gun securely in place. It should also be durable enough to withstand any rough handling or transporting it may go through.


As mentioned above, if you are flying with a firearm, you will need a hard case. Otherwise, a padded soft bag is usually the best option, providing adequate protection while being lighter and easier to use. Choose a case made of weather-resistant fabric, which will protect your gun from moisture and ensure that the case itself can withstand the wet conditions you may encounter in the field.


Of course don’t forget details like stitching, straps, and hardware. The adjustable shoulder strap with sliding pads allows for balanced positioning, making it more comfortable to carry your gun on long hikes.