Voice marketing is growing. Here are just a few trends we are seeing in the industry today.

Voice marketing is relatively new,This Year’s TopVoice Marketing Trends Articles having blossomed over the past few years. In that short time, however, it has become an incredibly interesting and exciting pocket, one that is truly ahead of the curve when it comes to new ways to market. For those who know how to use it, voice marketing can be incredibly lucrative. Those who see success with this approach also understand the latest trends. Here are just a couple of trends we are seeing in voice marketing this year, and how you can make the most of your voice marketing campaign.

Device Integration

Just a few years ago, people thought voice marketing was limited to smart speakers. In fact, many people didn’t see much further than Alexa and Google Home for the potential of this specialized style of marketing. Voice marketing, however, is for any device that can listen and understand commands, and that is an increasing number of devices. Voice-activated devices are in our homes and offices, and this means there a more opportunities for voice marketing and integrated advertising campaigns to be woven through those devices.

Targeting Shopping Lists

Did you know that voice assistant shopping lists are set to be a $40 billion industry in less than two years? Truthfully, that number has likely been accelerated as more and more people work and shop from home. One of the key ways that voice marketing is set to revolutionize the way people buy is through shopping lists. People are increasingly relying on voice-activated assistant programs in their smart devices to create shopping lists. But what if you became the default purchasing place for those items? This is the true power of voice marketing and one of the reasons you have seen more shopping-list-oriented content on your news feeds.

Heading to the Professionals

Voice marketing is quickly becoming one of the trendiest and fastest-growing marketing styles out there today. All of that growth for such a young concept means that many people who are adopting it aren’t using it to the best of its abilities, and that means they are wasting money on something that could have incredible potential. This is why so many companies that want to use voice marketing are heading to agencies that specialize and have experience in voice marketing. Voiceover training