Swimsuits are a must-have for our summer or seaside vacations. Once upon a time, our swimsuits were as bright as flowers and as smooth as silk. As time goes by, we often find that swimsuits gradually lose their luster and elasticity and become loose. Why do swimsuits lose their elasticity? This blog will delve into why swimsuits lose their stretch.

1. The quality of the material

Some cheap swimsuits use low-quality materials, such as high-content polyester or polyester fibers, which are prone to strain and cause the swimsuit to lose its elasticity. In order to save costs, some swimwear brands may cut corners on the padding and use low-quality materials, which will also make the swimwear lose its elasticity.

2. Frequent use and environmental factors

Chloride and salt in water, chemicals such as daily skin care products and sunscreen, can attack the material of swimwear after prolonged exposure, reducing its elasticity. Excessively hot water and strong sun exposure can have a detrimental effect on swimwear, destroying the fiber structure and causing it to lose its original elasticity.

3. Wrong maintenance method

Wrong cleaning methods, such as normal washing with washing machine hot water, using bleach, etc., will cause damage to the swimsuit fiber and lose its elasticity. After washing, direct exposure to the sun or drying the swimsuit with a high-heat strong wind dryer will damage the fiber structure and make the swimsuit loose. .

When shopping, choose swimwear that contains high-quality stretch fibers like spandex or Lycra for long-lasting elasticity. When using sunscreen and skin care products before swimming, pay attention to the area where you apply them and avoid direct contact with swimsuits. Prefer the swimsuit in cold water, avoid friction and the use of bleach, avoid high temperature and strong light, and place the swimsuit in a ventilated place to dry naturally.

We can prolong its service life by correctly understanding the reasons why swimsuits lose their elasticity and taking appropriate maintenance methods for swimsuits. Every time we put on a new swimsuit by the pool or on the beach, we can feel a little less worry about losing our elasticity and continue to enjoy the fun in the water.