Indian Hair Online

Indian hair online is one of the newest trends in beauty industry. Available in various textures, colors and styles that meet women's individual needs for aesthetic enhancement, Indian hair offers something suitable to every woman who desires this luxurious option.

Temple hair and hairballs are two key sources of Indian hair. This material is collected by Hindus who visit temples and sacrifice their locks as part of religious rituals.

Temple Hair

Hindu temple devotees in India perform an act of religious devotion by shaving their heads and offering up their locks as offerings to the gods. Temple authorities collect all shorn hair for auction to various bidders periodically.

Shaved hair is then transported to processing plants that treat and sell it; most often it ends up sold in the US, Europe and Asia to manufacturers that create high-end hair extensions.

Indian Temple Hair is prized among women for its strength, durability, and natural look - often used to braid braids.

Hair collected from women's temples in India is collected, graded and tested to ensure it is free from nit infestation and any chemically treated strands.

India hair vendors collect temple hair from donors who shave their heads at temples as an expression of reverence for God, then bundle and sell this ponytail at an exorbitant cost to Chinese hair suppliers.

Indian hairball is non-remy, lower quality non-remy hair that's typically collected from different sources including salon floors, public restrooms or even plumbing pipes.

Indian hair suppliers can utilize waste human hair from this source to craft various products such as extensions.

Virgin Hair

Virgin hair refers to human locks that have not been processed with dyes, perms or chemical treatments such as peroxide. It is collected from one donor without grey or broken ends.

An easy way to ensure the virginity of hair you purchase is to remove its cuticles and examine their integrity; if they have been taken off, this indicates processing with dyes and chemicals.

As you examine the hair, take note of any chemical aroma. While a faint chemical scent could indicate processing, this should never become overpowering or offensive.

Maintaining healthy virgin hair requires developing and sticking to a regular haircare routine that includes frequent washes, detangling, and conditioning treatments. Heat damage can damage strands significantly; to guard against breakage and dryness use protective heat styling tools sparingly while applying nourishing treatments or serums after every wash and using a blow dryer and other heated styling tools on damp strands sparingly if possible.

Remy Hair

Remy Hair has quickly become one of the most desired forms of extensions, wigs and hairpieces, thanks to its natural appearance and long-term wearability. Tangle-free and long-term durability also make Remy an excellent choice for anyone who wishes to feel beautiful without compromising their natural bounce and body.

As opposed to non-Remy hair which comes from various donors and therefore cannot guarantee all cuticles are aligned from root to tip, Remy hair is collected and sorted in such a way as to guarantee this alignment and therefore less likely tangling or matting.

Remy hair can often be found from Temples, girls or ladies voluntarily donating their locks as a source of income, or from hair salons that sell it instead of disposing of it in landfills.

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