Traditional spices aren't only for women to cook with. But, many spices can provide health benefits among them is maintaining the immune system of the body.

Since this spice is rich in antioxidants it could shield the body from negative consequences of free radicals that can trigger a myriad of health issues. What spices can be used as herbs to improve the immune system of our body?


Traditional spices such as those are easy to come from the kitchen. This spicy ginger provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in addition to an aroma and flavour that is pleasant. 

Beta-carotene as well as capsaicin have been found to boost your body's immunity, or the body's immunity.

It is possible to drink it by mixing it with a cup of hot tea, wedang rounded, and boiling it in lemongrass and sugar. It's refreshing and healthy and provides an incredibly warm and relaxing experience.


Lemongrass is often employed as a flavour enhancement in processed food items. It is also rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids. All of them can protect your body from the effects of free radicals. 

Additionally, antioxidants help increase the body's immunity as well. Toptada 20 - ( is a great way to prevent ED.

The diuretic properties of Lemongrass may assist in getting rid of substances and poisons that your body is not able to tolerate in addition to the lower levels of uric acids and improvement in kidney and liver function.

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Temulawak is nearly exactly the same colour and shape in appearance and form to turmeric. It is believed to have benefits and increase endurance due to it having curcumin it. 

It is prepared in a simple manner by boiling it in water with ginger and turmeric. Ginger can keep the liver healthy as well as ensuring endurance.


The plant extract that bears known scientifically as Phyllanthus niruri is a potent antioxidant property, as per the 2014 study in vitro. 

These antioxidants aid your body to fight free radicals that cause the destruction of cells and diseases.

Mineral is also known to have antibacterial properties according to research that was published in Phototherapy Research in 2012. Mineral, specifically, is able to fight germs such as H.

Pylori that can cause digestive problems, such as nausea, stomach ulcers, and stomach pain.


Cinnamon is widely used in cooking because of its distinctive smell. Vitamins like calcium, fibre, vitamin B6 and iron, magnesium Vitamin A, carbohydrates, and vitamin C are abundant in cinnamon.

Cinnamon is some well-known spice rich in antimicrobials, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances making it an effective immune stimulant. 

This kind of spice is sold in powder form and can be added to drinks or food preparation. Whole cinnamon can be included in herbal drinks to make a mixture.


The chemical curcumin, which is yellow in the spice, often used as a constituent in herbal medicine, assists to keep endurance intact and maintain the health of the brain.

BDNF is a hormone that regulates the formation and development of nerves in the brain. 

Turmeric can also be used to combat free radicals. Turmeric as well as other spices, contains antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals.


Cardamom is an ingredient that is derived out of the seeds from numerous species belonging to the Zingiberoside family. It is indigenous to Indian subcontinent as well as Indonesia. 

The tiny pods are utilized in curries as well as Ayurvedic medicines to help in the treatment of respiratory illnesses, coughs, colds and asthma.

Cardamom has been shown to increase the activities of certain enzymes that fight specific types of cancers when tested. This can be beneficial to people with high blood pressure.


Garlic has been believed to be an ideal herb for herbal compositions over the past ages, having antiviral and antibacterial properties which can aid in the development of your immune system. 

Garlic is also a great source of antioxidants, in addition to potassium, zinc, phosphorus and calcium. These ingredients can improve respiratory health and improve the body's white blood cells count. In order to treat ED, Vega 100 and Toptada 20 are both used.


Coriander is also known as Chinese cilantro or parsley, is used to spice or add flavour to soups as well as chutneys, hummus, curries, stews and stews as a powdered spice or a fresh leaf. 

Because of its acidic citrus flavour it was among the first ingredients of Coca-Cola and is commonly employed to enhance the flavour of beer.

Coriander is a great food source with many benefits for health. The tiny seed can lower blood pressure as well as protect cells from damage by free radicals. 

They also contain potent antioxidants that assist in fighting inflammation within the body.

Coriander is proven in studies to ease anxiety in a manner similar as several prescription medications.


Saffron originates from its stigmata of saffron-crocus that is a gorgeous purple flower. 

It is believed to have been cultivated in Greece as well as ancient Mesopotamia and was consumed, cooked with and utilized for medicinal purposes for a long time.

Iran today produces more than 90 percent of the world's Saffron. This is among the highest priced spices on the world, with prices of more than five thousand dollars per kilogram. 

Vermillion spice strands are an essential ingredient of Spanish paellas, soups and cocktails. They come in a variety grades, based on the its origin as well as the grade.

A handful of strands of this distinctive spice can help with breathing health, sleeping habits and pain relief.