The Pomodoro method or promodoro timer is a strategy for managing time when performing tasks in order to increase concentration. So, in practice, it divides tasks into 25-minute intervals. For those who are taking entrance exams and studying, this idea can really be a good strategy.

After all, many students find it difficult to study, even more so at home, with so many distractions around, right?

Created in the 1980s by the Italian Francesco Cirillo, a specialist in consulting and training, the Pomodoro timer aesthetic method has been widely adopted by companies. But you can use the concept to prepare for the selection processes. Thus, you will waste less time and stay sharp in all subjects.

What is the Pomodoro method?

You must be wondering: what is the Pomodoro aesthetic method? Should we put tomato sauce on the handouts? Calm down, it's nothing like that, and we'll explain everything to you.

Yes, the word “Pomodoro” actually means tomato in Italian. But it was only used because Cirillo's stopwatch, the inventor of the technique, was shaped like that fruit.

In fact, the tactic is to separate a group of activities into small intervals of 25 minutes, which the author of the strategy named “Pomodoro”. During that time, you must concentrate as hard as you can until the clock alarm rings.

How to apply this technique in practice?

As we saw, each 25-minute break consists of a Pomodoro tracker and, during that period, you should focus on some activity without stopping for anything. After the first break is over, you need to rest for 5 minutes.

In this line of study, you have to do 4 Pomodoros, always taking 5 minutes to relax. In that short time, you can have a coffee, go to the bathroom, stretch your legs, etc.

However, from the fifth Pomodoro, your mind will be more tired. For this reason, a longer break period is required: from 15 to 30 minutes.

In this idle time, you can watch an episode of a series or an excerpt from a movie, walk your dog, play a game, listen to a sound, etc.

What are the benefits of the Pomodoro method?

To make the most of your studies, this study timer aesthetic tactic must also be divided into the 3 pillars of learning: theory, exercises and review. So, create a day for each of the study types and apply this mechanism to all of them. With this, you will really feel a huge advance in your score.