Identifying the signs your family doesn't care about you is important in determining whether you are living in a dysfunctional, toxic environment. If you recognize these signs, it's crucial to work on improving your relationship with your family as soon as possible, as growing up in such an environment can have a significant negative impact on your mental and emotional well-being in the future. One clear indication that signs your family doesn't care about you is when they consistently exclude you from decision-making processes. 

If this is a common occurrence, it's a clear signal that your family is not invested in your well-being. Another indication is if your family members don't visit you, ask you questions, or share in your joys and sorrows. If this behavior is a pattern in your family, it's a sign your family doesn't care about you. It's also a bad sign if your family members never praise you, fail to compliment you in public, or are always envious of your achievements. Additionally, if your family members are quick to blame you for any family problems and hold you accountable, it's another indication that they don't care about you. If you find yourself in this situation, it's important to seek support from other sources outside your family.