Kamagra 50 Mg


Description Kamagra 50 Mg

Kamagra 50  mg is a remedy used to deal with erectile disorder (ED) in men. It contains sildenafil citrate, which is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor. This medicinal drug works with the aid of increasing blood flow to the penis, which facilitates to supply and preserve an erection. Kamagra 50 mg is normally taken orally, with or without meals, about 1 hour before sexual activity. The recommended starting dose is 50 mg, but the dose may be adjusted based totally on person reaction and tolerability, as much as a most of 100 mg per day.

How To Take Kamagra 50 Mg

Kamagra 50 mg tablet can be desirous about or without meals, as prescribed through your doctor. It is endorsed which you take the tablet 30-60 minutes before having intercourse. But, you may additionally take it as much as 4 hours prior to intercourse. This medication will help you get/maintain the erection only in case you are sexually stimulated. Do now not take extra tablets for short effects. Kamagra 50 mg pills is intended most effective for men. It isn't recommended for use in women and children.

How To Work Kamagra 50 Mg

Kamagra 50 mg improves penile erection (make penis company) during sexual intercourse, in which sildenafil acts by means of improving the blood deliver to the penis. It really works by blocking the results of certain enzymes (PDE5) which limits blood flow to the penis. As an end result, it relaxes the blood vessels presenting the penis, improves penile feature and makes it live erected all through the process of sexual intercourse.

Dosage Of Kamagra 50 Mg

Missed Dose:

Kamagra 50 mg tablet is used as a single dose whilst required, so the chances of missing a dose are much less.


Never take extra than the prescribed dose. When you have intentionally or by accident fed on more than the prescribed quantity of Kamagra 50 mg tablet, then you may sense excessive dizziness, fainting, painful/extended erection. Contact your doctor straight away for in addition guidance.

Side-effects Of Kamagra 50 Mg

·         Headache

·         Nosebleed

·         Indigestion

·         Trouble sleeping

·         Diarrhea

·         Dizziness

Warning Of Kamagra 50 Mg

Kamagra 50 mg should no longer be taken by means of men who are allergic to Sildenafil or any of the alternative ingredients in the medicine. It should also no longer be taken with sure medicines, which include nitrates or alpha-blockers, as this will purpose a risky drop in blood pressure. Men with positive clinical situations, along with severe heart or liver issues, should also no longer take Kamagra 50 mg. It is important to talk about any scientific situations and medicinal drugs with a healthcare provider before taking this remedy. Some potential aspect effects of Kamagra 50 mg include headache, dizziness, flushing, nasal congestion, nausea, and visual disturbances. More severe side effects can also arise, such as chest pain, abnormal heartbeat, and priapism (a painful erection lasting more than 4 hours).

Storage Of Kamagra 50 Mg

Hold the Kamagra 50 mg drugs at room temperature in darkish, easy and dry location. Be confident that the medicine are not damaged even as buying.


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