A business owner faces a dilemma: "Given the choice of a mobile app or a website, which option is best to promote my business?"


Statista estimates that people spend approximately 5 hours a day on their smartphones. If you want your online business to succeed, you must be able to access it via mobile phone.


70% of mobile phone searches lead to online purchases or action, especially after the global lockdown. In seconds, a user can make a purchase via an app or mobile website.


It's not easy to decide which option is best for your business, app or website. This article helps you to choose right one for your business demand.

App vs. Website: What’s the Difference?

Before we get into the details of each product, let's take a look at each product and their main differences.


You can download Mobile Application in your mobile device and serve a specific purpose. Mobile application are dynamic and allow users to interact with the software to alter their work. They do not present too much information at once, but rather provide it as individual pieces that are relevant.


Websites is a collection of web pages that contain static information. This includes text, images, sound, and video. Users can browse the pages at their own pace in their preferred web browser. They don't usually have many dynamic elements, and they are better suited to present large amounts of information at once.


Web Apps combine both of these. A web app is a website that hosts an app that users can interact with.

Web apps can be hosted on websites, but they are different from other web pages. Web apps are just like pages and can be accessed from any device that has internet access.

Apps: Pros and Cons


People do most of their business online today, and mobile app revenue will reach $600billion in 2020. App development has become a popular trend due to the explosion in smartphones and tablets. In the US, the average user will install over 100 apps.


  • Mobile apps can be
  • Native apps
  • Hybrid apps
  • Gaming
  • Productivity 
  • Lifestyle and entertainment:
  • M-commerce
  • Travel




Apps are easier to use than similar websites. Apps like Zalando and Amazon have made it easy to search for products online. It can be difficult to measure how many people use apps and websites. However, recent statistics show that mobile app downloads this year will exceed 168 billion. People are more likely than not to use a website that is optimized for mobile use to download an app. In the case of Amazon, the eCommerce app will be preferred over the website.


Apps provide a better user experience and load content quicker. They also make it easy to connect to your smart device. App design is more suitable than a mobile screen.


Apps can push notifications to share news and promote new products, unlike mobile websites. If you run an Ecommerce store that sells food products, notifications can be sent to notify customers when new products and special offers become available. Customers will automatically see the notification and can access the app to review the details.



For services you use every day, mobile apps are a better choice. To keep up to date on their needs, users can create preferences and personalize accounts. You can Hire a developer from a web development company for a customizable app. An app that can be customized is a great way to target your audience and create specific marketing campaigns for your business.

Offline Access

Apps can be used offline and provide access to content and other features, unlike mobile apps.



System Compatibility


Mobile apps can be either native or hybrid, as we already mentioned. It can pose a risk to share the same code across different platforms. Hybrid apps might not be able to support all features in every operating system. This limitation can impact the user experience as well as the functionality of the product. However, the process of creating a framework for each operating system is time-consuming and costly. There is always a compromise.



Apps must be downloaded and installed, unlike mobile websites. While this process is free for users, some apps require payment to cover updating costs and the approval process. Your business model will determine whether your audience is willing to pay additional costs to access your app or to install a new program.


Support and Maintenance

It takes time to develop an app for multiple platforms. Maintaining an app means that you must go through every step of the approval process in each market where it is being used.


Website: Pros and Cons


Many businesses overlook the importance of having mobile-friendly websites. Think about how annoying it makes you to open an article on your phone and then have to resize it to read it. Would you purchase from such a site? Most likely not. The same applies to potential customers. 61% of potential customers will not return to a website that isn't mobile-friendly. 80% are mobile-friendly.

Mobile website is implemented in two main ways


Your business can be reached via a standard URL website. Users will then be redirected to the appropriate version based on their current platform.  To do this, Developer create AMP so that the website look like an app 




Websites can appear like apps, and they are often called web apps. These websites can also be accessed via mobile devices and tablets. These websites' main content and features are displayed on mobile screens to make it easier for users to interact with them. Consumers can easily access information and make purchases using images, videos and pop-ups.



Improved User Experience 

You can better target your audience by creating two websites or a responsive website that adjusts to the devices of your customers. Your web analytics and customer research may indicate that mobile users prefer different content or features to those who browse from a computer. You can make your mobile website prioritize actions and features according to the preferences of your visitors.



An app requires a different version for every operating system. However, a website can be accessed from any device via a browser. A mobile website is easier to access and more compatible if your target audience uses multiple devices.


Broader Reach 

Mobile websites are the best at reaching potential customers. Responsive web design is compatible with multiple platforms and offers a wider range of integrated features.


Support and Maintenance 

Websites are easier to create and maintain. Websites are easier to develop and maintain than other websites. A mobile website doesn't need to be downloaded, which allows for faster updates and design.web development company in Indonesia provide you batter support and maintenance for your website. Users can edit any page from any device. It's also easier to add features and interactive design to existing websites.


Better Performance

Mobile websites are optimized for smaller screens. They offer a better user experience on mobile devices and are optimized for efficiency so that they can be responsive even on low-spec devices. They prefer smaller URLs that are easier to navigate and process on mobile devices.



Compatibility Content and Features

There are many sources of information but Mobile phones and tablets are main. Mobile websites sometimes don't offer all the features and content they need, which can lead to users being turned away. Mobile websites can sometimes be slow or not provide the same functionality or efficiency as other features, such as cameras, GPS, phone calling, and other integrated features.


A majority of people also use a smartphone and a laptop in the same conversation. The screen size is an issue in this situation. The screen size of a mobile device will be smaller than that of a desktop. This can impact the user experience.


URL Addresses & Updates

It is more difficult to coordinate URLs with two different addresses. This happens when users can visit your website from other pages.Links can be used to connect the mobile site and desktop. You must ensure that all new products are added to your site, even if it is done automatically.


Responsive websites can help to mitigate this problem, but they can be more difficult to create than two websites that are identical and target different platforms.


Offline Access

Mobile websites are not compatible with offline access, apart from the difficulties related to user experience. Mobile web pages, unlike apps, require strong connections to function fully.

How to Choose Which Is Right For Your Business?

Development Time And Costs

It's time to think about your team and what they are comfortable doing.


A website will work best if you have a small team or are limited on time and money to implement your solution.


Apps can be more difficult depending on what functionality you want, especially if your target audience is spread across multiple platforms. However, they are far more engaging for the user, especially if you target younger generations.


Web applications are in the middle. Although they can be created faster than apps and work on all platforms by nature, delivering an app-like experience takes much longer than building a website.


Findability And Reach

This is a way to grow and expand your online presence. Next, it's time for you to assess your target audience. If you are unsure or have a large group of people to target, it is best to be safe and choose a site or app. These devices are more widely accessible.


It is important to determine the purpose of each solution before you decide between a website and a web application. A website is best if you want to increase awareness for your brand. A business web app, however, is a better option if you are trying to create a product that caters to your customers.


Upgradability And Lifecycle

Remember that mobile applications must go through multiple quality assurance and control steps before being published to stores. The same goes for updates. These updates can take some time and may be detrimental if they are not published on time.


Website applications, or websites, are best for you if you will need to make frequent modifications to your solution. A web app is the best choice if you want an app-like solution.

In Summary

When making these decisions, the best advice is to look at the strengths of each platform and determine if they are compatible with what you want.

A responsive mobile website can be a better choice if your goal is marketing or public relations. Mobile applications are the best choice when you're promoting a service that is used regularly.